Debian GNU/Linux:[]
This guide works also on Ubuntu,Kubuntu and Xubuntu. Because they are based on Debian. Also other Debian based distros works.
To download projects from Subversion/svn, you will need to have your distribution's subversion package(s) installed. This varies from distro to distro. The following command should do the job in Debian (logged in as root):
aptitude install subversion
- gcc >= version 3.1 (preferably)
- scons >= 0.96 (radiant is built with scons rather than make)
- python >= 2.3.0, (scons requires python, some build steps use python)
- svn >= 1.1 (some build steps use svn)
- gtk+ >= 2.4.0 (requires glib, atk, pango, iconv, etc)
- gtkglext >= 1.0.0 (requires opengl)
- libxml2 >= 2.0.0
- zlib >= 1.2.0 (for archivezip module)
- libpng >= 1.2.0 (for imagepng module)
- libmhash = 0.9.0 (for q3map2)
The following command should install the dependencies, if I missed one, please let me know, or add it. You'll need root privileges.
aptitude install build-essential scons python libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-common libgtk2.0-bin libgtk2.0-dev libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libpango1.0-0 libpango1.0-common libpango1.0-dev libatk1.0-0 libatk1.0-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libmhash2 libmhash-dev
To check GtkRadiant out of ID's svn repository, issue the following commands from whichever directory you'd like to install it (preferably your user's home directory), it will create it's own GtkRadiant directory. It's probably better to use a normal user rather than root for this.
svn checkout ./GtkRadiant
svn checkout ./GtkRadiant/games/Q3Pack
svn checkout ./GtkRadiant/install/Q3Rad_Manual
If you have a single-core machine, execute the following command in the directory containing SConscript:
scons SETUP=0
If you have an SMP or multiprocessing machine, you can use the -j parameter to split the compile in to multiple jobs. The recommended setting is to use the number of processors or cores, plus one. For example, on my dual-core machines I use:
scons -j3 SETUP=0
Return to the directory you were in before building and execute the following command:
python ./GtkRadiant/
note - this script should be run after each time you update from svn
Open Arena[]
The following command will install the OpenArena packages (logged in as root):
aptitude install openarena openarena-data openarena-server
The dedicated server package is optional, but I included it anyway because it's pretty small.
The Debian packages for OpenArena complicate things slightly because they keep the game libraries and binaries in different locations. Fortunately, we can use a strategically placed symlink to fool GtkRadiant in to thinking they are all together. Enter this as root.
ln -s /usr/share/games/openarena/baseoa /usr/games/baseoa
When GtkRadiant prompts us later, we will point it to /usr/games as the game directory.
Next, we need to get the mapping definitions for OpenArena in to our GTKRadiant installation(as normal user):
svn checkout ./GtkRadiant/install
Try starting GtkRadiant as a normal user:
If you are prompted to enter the location of OpenArena, enter: /usr/games/
If upon attempting to start GtkRadiant, you get errors regarding shaders not being found, try the following (as root):
mkdir /usr/games/baseoa/scripts
cp ./GtkRadiant/install/ /usr/games/baseoa/scripts/shaderlist.txt
If you get "map not found" errors when attempting to load your map, enter "set sv_pure 0" in the Open Arena console.