
Every mapper knows what happens when a bright light is very close to a surface. The light "burns" it, creates an overbright spot. Very often you can't just move the light away from the surface because the light rays have to come from that spot, or because there are pretty shadows casted by that light. Lowering the light's intensity is also not an option because then you have a light that doesn't illuminate enough.

Thanks to warsow there is now a way to deal with that. It's called _extradist, a new entity key that adds an extra distance from light ray's origin and the surface they hit. This way you can have a light with high intensity next to a wall or ceiling and prevent the wall or ceiling from being "burned" by the light.

Description of the entity from the thread:

"This is a light entity key used to reduce the hotspots on light entities. With standard q3map2 falloff, if you want to use a light entity which happens to be close to a wall, and you want to make it quite intense, the light will create a hotspot in the wall close to it, and sometimes even produce dark dirtyness around it. With extradist you can soften the light falloff so the hotspot is cutted out (you are ignoring the highest peaks of the light ramp). With this it's possible to put a light entity close to a wall which lights up the whole room without creating any hotspot. Around a 10% of the light intensity value uses to do it, but it's just a starting value, it all depends on the distance from the light to the walls. Notice: With extradist you can use really big lights that do look good. Notice: Extradist doesn't work on shader lights. Using light entities is recommended. Also notice: The build menu sets a global extradist value of 50, so for creating a intense small light you will have to set _extradist 0 in the entity, or any other small value of your taste."
-- jal[1]

Note: it only works if you compile with q3map2 version that has this new feature in it, else it won't work.

No extradist
With extradist

External links and references[]
