OpenArena's Mapping manual |
Prologue • Pre-mapping stage (Map gameplay) • Choosing an editor • Your first map • Brush manipulation (2D/3D clipping) • Curve manipulation • Textures • Introduction to Entities • Lighting (Advanced lighting) • Weapon/Item placement • Triggers and movers (Dynamic features) • Shaders • Terrains and liquids • Mapmodels • Sounds • Gametype support • Optimization and Troubleshooting (Hint brushes • Bot play • Troubleshooting) • Final touches • Compilation & packaging |
Glossary of terms • Advanced features • Modelling a map • Editor differences • Default assets (Textures/Models/Sounds) • GPL |
After all the hard work and testing done with our map, it's time to prepare and package it. In this page, we'll take a look at Q3Map2, BSPC and how to package our map.
Before going with the explanation of what each switch and option does, it's highly recommendable to use the latest versions of both BSPC and Q3MAP2. If you're using Q3Radiant, bear in mind that your map may not pass the GPL compliance because it was compiled with a pre-GPL set of compilers (normally the unsupported Q3MAP and an older, pre-GPL version of BSPC).
If you don't want to mess with commandlines, there are front-ends at the bottom of the page which may aid you with your compilation tasks.
This is the main utility we're going to use in order to compile our maps. This utility comes with the most recent editors, and its version depends from editor to editor.
A full Q3MAP2 compiling consist of BSP, VIS and LIGHT phases. Depending from the stage of development of your map, you may wish to do much faster compiling by omitting some phases for quick testing.
For infos about how to speed up compiling by using all of our processor "cores", see Multithreaded map compiling page.
The BSP stage[]
The first stage of the map compilation. It generates the .bsp file, the player-navigable space inside the world.[1]
How the BSP is created (and how to optimize it) is already covered in the Hint brushes page. Here we're going to mention the switches and what each one of them do.
The basic syntax is q3map2 -fs_basepath [oadir] -fs_game "baseoa" -game "oa" [options] [mapfileroute], where [oadir] is the directory/folder where OA is installed (i.e. c:\openarena or /home/user/openarena) [options] are the specified switches, and [mapfileroute] is the ruote of the .map file to be compiled (i.e. c:\openarena\baseoa\maps\ or /home/user/openarena/baseoa/maps/
The switches of the BSP stage do the following:[2][3]
Switch | Description |
-custinfoparms | Enables custom surface flags for game mods without the need to recompile Q3Map2 itself. Custom surfaceparms are stored in custinfoparms.txt, in the "scripts" directory. Custom surfaceparms follow the format:
-debuginset | Enables debugging of surface triangle insetting. |
-debugportals | Draws the portals into the bsp as translucent polygons. If used during the bsp process and you do not -vis or -light, the portals will be colored. If you also -vis & -light, the portals will take on the color of your sky, but can still be easily distinguished. Omit the -vis and -light stages for best -debugportals results. |
-debugsurfaces | Colors every surface a different color. Omit the -vis and -light stages for best -debugsurfaces results. |
-draw | Enables realtime debug drawing output.[4] |
-expand | Expands all the brush planes and saves a new map out to allow visual inspection of the clipping bevels.[4] |
-fakemap | Creates a new .map file with a blank worldspawn entity and all the world brushes from your original .map file. |
-flares | Enable support for flares. They are used to generate a glare effect over bright light sources. |
-flat | Flatshading. Forces all texture coordinates for a given surface to the pixel that best fits the average color of the assigned texture. However, it is of very limited utility.[5] |
-fulldetail | Will cause all detail brushes to be handled as if they were structural. |
-glview | Writes a .gl file of the bsp tree for debugging.[4] |
-leaktest | Will cause Q3Map2 to abort compile if a leak is encountered. |
-meta | Creates meta surfaces from brush faces. This is a very useful switch. It decomposes brush faces into their component triangles, and makes a bsp more efficient by combining surfaces, removing coincident verts and lowering the surface + vert count across the map. Now, it has become the "magic" switch that is required for most of Q3Map2's advanced features. Always -meta, and always -v. Also, you must add the -forcesidesvisible to the BSPC line when using this. Either -meta or Q3Map2 in general makes for retarded bots without it. And the -forcesidesvisible switch should be placed before the -bsp2aas switch. |
-mi <N> | Sets the maximum per-surface index count to N. |
-mv <N> | Sets the maximum per-surface vertex count to N. |
-nocurves | Will not compile patch meshes into the .bsp. |
-nodetail | Will not compile detail brushes into the .bsp. |
-nofog | Will not compile fog brushes into the .bsp. Visible surfaces that cross fog boundaries will not be split along the bound. This can cause visually incorrect fog in the map.[4] |
-nohint | Will not compile hint brushes into the .bsp. |
-nosubdivide | Visible surfaces will not be split. Q3Map2 usually subdivides each drawsurf, as is required by shader tessellation. TessSize is ignored and brush faces are left alone, when this switch is used. |
-notjunc | Will not fix T-Junctions (can cause sparklies and LOD cracks). |
-nowater | Will not compile liquid brushes into .bsp. |
-np <shadeangle (1 through 179)> | Forces all planar shaders to become nonplanar with the shadeangle specified. |
-onlyents: | Only changes the entities in the compiled .bsp. Needs a compiled .bsp and a new entity file (.ent) |
-onlytextures | Only change the textures in a .bsp file.[4] |
-patchmeta | Creates meta surfaces from patch meshes. This "bakes" a set LOD into patches in your .bsp. |
-samplesize <n> | Sets the lightmap pixel size to (nxn) units. The default is 16x16. |
-skyfix | Enables fix for some drivers not distinguishing between GL_CLAMP and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. Always use this. |
-snap | Enables axial bevel plane snapping to reduce clipped model plane count (use with care). |
-subdivisions <N> | Specifies the number of subdivisions to make in your geometry. Larger values increase triangulation and as such, can decrease performance. |
-texrange <N> | Limits per-surface texel count to N. |
-threads <N> | Number of threads used to compile the map. For the fastest compile times the number of threads is set to the number of system processors.[4] |
-tmpout | Outputs files to a folder named tmp. |
-v | Enables verbose mode for the bsp phase. Always use this. |
-verboseentities | Outputs more information about compiling entity sub-models into the .bsp. |
The VIS stage[]
VIS is short for Visibility. The relevant part of this process is the creation of the PVS Table for the Portals in the map. As the player's viewpoint moves around a FULLY vis'ed bsp different areas become visible or hidden, depending on which area the viewpoint is in.[1]
Another stage already explained at the Hint brushes page. Here we're going to mention the switches and what each one of them do.[6][7]
Switch | Description |
-fast | Calculates only a very loose visibility list. It doesn't take much time to calculate, but a lot more polygons will be drawn by the Q3 engine than necessary. Quick and dirty, not actually useful for VIS purposes. |
-hint | Will merge the bsp leaves (except for hint portals) before calculating the visiblity list. Enabling this switch enables -merge, but will not merge hint portals. |
-merge | Will merge the bsp leaves before calculating the visibility list. This will speed up the vis calculations, but a lot more polygons will be drawn by the Q3 engine than necessary. |
-nopassage | Disables the passage visiblity algorithm. Passage VIS is a bit faster and tighter than the old algorithm. |
-nosort | Disables the sorting of portals by complexity. Sorting speeds up visiblity calculations, because portals that are more complex can use information from less complex portals. |
-passageOnly | Will use the passage visibility algorithm only. |
-saveprt | Disables the automatic deletion of the .prt portal file after VIS finishes. |
-threads <N> | Number of threads used to compile the map. For the fastest compile times the number of threads is set to the number of system processors.[4] |
-tmpin <path> | The input files will be read from a folder called tmp. |
-tmpout <path> | The output files will be written to a folder called tmp. |
-v | Enables verbose mode. Always use this. |
The Light stage[]
This is the lighting stage, where lightmaps are generated for every world surface in the map. It has no effect on bsp, hints, vis or r_speeds.[1]
This stage is already explained in the Lighting page. Here we're going to mention the switches and what each one of them do.[8][9]
Switch | Description |
-approx <N> | Approximates lightmaps within a byte tolerance of N. Q3Map2 -light -approx forces simple surfaces without much shadow detail to be vertex lit, thus saving lightmaps. The range is from 0-255, 0 being default (no approximation). Try -approx 50. |
-areascale <N.N> | This scales the intensity of area lights by the prescribed factor. Q3Map2 -light -areaScale 0.25 will result in area lights that are only 25% as bright as those in a .bsp compiled with -light -areaScale 1.0. |
-border | Creates a debugging border around each lightmap, and helps you to correlate areas of your map to areas in the lightmap when you export the lightmap or use external lightmaps. |
-bounce <N> | Enables Q3Map2 radiosity. It will re-diffuse the light emitted onto a surface (n) times. In addition, it will write out the bsp after every pass, so it can be cancelled without loss. The tint of light that's reflected is the lightmap/vertex * texture color, and subsampled to certain granularity across every lit surface. Use q3map_lightimage in a shader to override the reflected color. |
-bouncegrid | Allows bounced light to affect the lightgrid. The lightgrid is used for the lighting of game models and game entities, such as player models, ammo boxes, powerups and so forth. This also affects vertex lighting. |
-bouncescale <N.N> | Scales up radiosity lights by the prescribed factor. |
-cheap | Stops Q3Map2 from calculating light on a sample after it exceeds (255, 255, 255). This may produce odd artifacts on maps with lots of saturated colored lighting. Also, do not use cheap with radiosity if you want to preserve all the emitted light. |
-cheapgrid | Stops Q3Map2 from calculating light on a sample after it exceeds (255, 255, 255), but only for the lightgrid. |
-compensate <N.N> | Scales back lightmap values to adjust for overbrighting when -gamma is used. For Quake III: Arena, a good compensate value is 4, though some experimentation may be needed to find an aesthetic that suits your particular map. |
-cpma | Enables full vertex lighting including occlusion on all surfaces, including lightmapped. Causes incorrect handling of -approx in OA even with special shaders. |
-dark | Enables darkening of lightmaps at brush/lightmap seams. Sort of like a half-assed occlusion pass, ends up looking a bit Unreal 1-ish. Very subtle. |
-debug | Enables lightmap debugging. |
-debugaxis | Colors lightmaps based on their projection axis. |
-debugcluster | Colors lightmaps based on the PVS cluster the luxel falls into. |
-debugorigin | Colors lightmaps based on the luxel origin relative to the raw lightmap's bounding box. |
-debugsurfaces | This colors lightmaps by surfacenum % 6, and will color every surface with a different color. |
-debugunused | Colors unused luxels hot pink. |
-dirty | Enables ambient occlusion or "dirtmapping". Ambient occlusion approximates light attenuation due to occlusion. Basically, less-visible areas (such as nooks and crannies, cracks and crevices) will become darker.[10] |
-dirtdepth <N> | Use with -dirty. Sets maximum depth of occlusion checking in game units (default 128). |
-dirtmode <N> | Use with -dirty. Controls the mode in which the dirtmap is calculated. The Uniform Mode tries to create a very smooth looking dirtmap, while the Noise Mode is, uh, noisy. 0 = Uniform Mode (default) 1 = Noise Mode. |
-dirtscale <N.N> | Use with -dirty. Scales up the "darkness" of the dirtmapping effect by the prescribed factor. |
-dump | Dumps radiosity lights into numbered prefabs, for each bounce. (maps/<map>_bounce_<bouncenum>.pfb) |
-export | This exports internal lightmaps in the .bsp to .tga images. |
-extra | Sets -super 2. A straight line is traced from four extra points on each lightmap pixel in addition to the original one. The average of the result is taken, which helps to smooth out jagged shadows. Unfortunately it also makes -light take five times as long.[1] Use -extra if you're too lazy to type -super 2. |
-extrawide | Sets -super 2. Sets -filter. Use -extrawide if you're too lazy to type -super 2 -filter. |
-fast | Enables light envelopes for area (shader) lights, and enables light culling. This includes radiosity lights. With some maps, using it could speed up light calculations by 50x or more. For maps with large numbers of dim surface lights, it also has the side effect of producing dimmer maps, so you'll need to tweak your lighting. Results in a much quicker -light compiles, but darkens all enveloped light sources considerably—this can be compensated for easily by raising your surfacelight values. Fast makes for great final compiles though, as long as you light accordingly. |
-fastbounce | Enables -fast style calculations, but only for radiosity light passes. |
-faster | Enables -faster light calculation. Faster is a debug test mode only, and produces really crappy results (but quickly). Use only when your compiles are taking forever for testing. Fast is the mode you should be using for normal/final compiles. |
-fastgrid | Enables -fast style calculations, but only for lightgrid calculation. |
-filter | Gives you a gaussian blur for shadows, and applies a 3x3 box filter (similar to Photoshop's blur) to the lightmap, smoothing out shadows. It breaks down on the edges of a lightmap, because there isn't anything to sample from off the edge. Filter averages a given luxel with 3 of it's neighbors. This is what the old extrawide did, but filter is a bit smarter about it. Sounds good in theory, but -filter doesn't play nice with a lot of the more interesting effects. Use -samples instead. |
-gamma <N.N> | Creates a more realistic color ramp between "light" and "dark." Good values are in the 1.4-2.2 range. OA will need those cvars disabled unless -compensate is used accordingly. |
-lightmapsize <N> | Limits the lightmap size. Default is 128. |
-lomem | Trades increased compile time for decreased memory usage. If you are getting safe_malloc errors (or just running out of RAM), try this switch. |
-nocollapse | Disables collapsing of identical lightmaps. Collapse compares raw lightmap a to raw lightmap b. Then if they are exceedingly similar, (off by (0.0025 in 3 * x * y)), they are merged. This switch is required for Q3Map2 lightstyles. |
-nogrid | Disables calculation of the lightgrid for dynamic model lighting. |
-normalmap | Colors lightmaps based on the facings of their vertex normals, and is good for debugging phong shading. |
-nosurf | Disables the surface tracing of detail brushes and patch meshes for shadow casting. |
-notrace | No light tracing is performed. As a result, no shadows will be cast. |
-novertex | Disables the calculation of vertex lighting. |
-patchshadows | Enables the casting of shadows by patch meshes. |
-pointscale <N.N> | Scales up point (entity) lights by the prescribed factor. |
-samples <N> | Enables intelligent antialiasing of shadow edges in lightmaps. A value of 2 both looks good and compiles quickly, while a value of 3 looks great but compiles somewhat more slowly. |
-samplesize <N> | This sets the lightmap pixel size to (nxn) units. Writes the prescribed samplesize argument to the .srf surface file. The .srf file (and thus -samplesize) affects the -light phase of compile. A lower -samplesize value produces more sharply defined lightmaps. The default samplesize is 16; a samplesize value of 8 produces a blurry, but good quality compile, suitable to call "final" if you aren't looking for extreme detail. A value of 4 produces a more detailed one, but small artifacts may start appearing occasionally. A samplesize value of 1 produces the most possible detailed lightmap, but also creates "stadium lights" artifacts, a much larger BSP file size and lower game performance. Note that the .srf surface file is generated by the -bsp phase of the compile, so -samplesize must be added to the -bsp phase aswell as to the -light phase to make any effect. It is overridden by surfaces with explicit lightmap sample sizes. (q3map_lightmapsamplesize) |
-scale <N.N> | Scales up all light sources by the prescribed factor. |
-shade | Enables phong shading. |
-shadeangle <N> | Phong shading enabled with a breaking angle of N degrees. This also turns on phong shading, and gives you the ability to specify the angle of light determined by N. |
-sky <N.N> | Scales up all sun/sky light sources by the prescribed factor. In this new era of -gamma -compensate, -sky 3 can allow "old style" sky shaders to be used without manually rewriting them. |
-smooth | Smart version of -extra. Only subsamples lightmap pixels that are shadowed. Produces results comparable to -extra in roughly 1/3 the time. Can also be used with -extra or -extrawide for 16- or 48-tap sampling respectively (smoother shadows).[4] |
-sunonly | Computes sun/sky light only, no other light sources. |
-supersample <N> | Enables arbitrarily ordered grid supersampling of lightmaps. This replaces extra & extrawide. This replacement does true n-tap supersampling, rather than the weird filter that extrawide did. note that -super requires an argument >= 2 and is much, much, much slower than -samples, by the way. |
-threads <N> | Number of threads used to compile the map. For the fastest compile times the number of threads is set to the number of system processors.[4] |
-thresh <N.N> | Sets the recursive triangle subdivision threshold. The range is 0.0-1.0. In order to determine the luxel normal for phong shading and bumpmapping, Q3Map2 recursively subdivides the map's triangles until no side is longer than the distance specified in -thresh (T) times samplesize (S). The reason lower values of -thresh are used are for when you want more accurate phong and bumpmapping. Lower values = smaller triangles = more samples per luxel (lightmap pixel) = more accurate normal = smoother shading. |
-trisoup | Converts brush faces to triangle soup (merge?) |
-v | Enables verbose mode. Always use this. |
Also called BSP-to-AAS compiler. This stage uses the bspc tool, and generates an Area file mapname.aas. The Area file is used by bots to navigate the map. BSPC is a separate process from the other compile stages, and and it has no effect on and ignores any information created in those stages. BSPC requires only a mapname.bsp which does not leak.[1]
How this stage works is already explained in the bot play page. Here we're going to mention the switches and what they do.[11]
Switch | Description |
-bsp2aas <[pakfilter/]filter.bsp> | Converts BSP to AAS. |
-reach <filter.bsp> | Computes reachability & clusters. |
-cluster <filter.aas> | Computes clusters. |
-aasopt <filter.aas> | Optimizes aas file. To reduce the size of an existing aas file. |
-aasinfo <filter.aas> | Shows AAS file info. |
-output <output path> | Sets the output path. |
-threads <X> | Set number of threads to X. Setting it to the number of logical cores of your processor should give you fastest compile times. In case using it compiling fails, try switching back to a single thread or get a different version of bspc. See Multithreaded map compiling for more infos. |
-cfg <filename> | Uses this cfg file. |
-optimize | Enables optimization. To get a smaller aas file. |
-noverbose | Disables verbose output. |
-breadthfirst | Breadth first bsp building. |
-nobrushmerge | Don't merge brushes. |
-noliquids | Don't write liquids to map. |
-freetree | Frees the bsp tree. |
-nocsg | Disables brush chopping. |
-forcesidesvisible | Forces all sides to be visible. |
-grapplereach | Calculate grapple reachabilities. |
These tools do away with the troubles of writing the compilation command lines by using a GUI.
- Q3Map2GUI
- Q3Map2Build - 1.0 Build 25 Download, with BSPC and required DLL files
- IoQ3MapTools, by Onykage
Some building script examples[]
Remember to replace "/path/to/" and "C:\path\to\" with the routes to your editor installation. Also remember to use the latest versions of both q3map2 and bspc.
Test compile script (Windows):
"C:\path\to\q3map2.exe" -leaktest -v -verboseentities "C:\path\to\"
"C:\path\to\q3map2.exe" -vis -saveprt -v "C:\path\to\"
"C:\path\to\q3map2.exe" -light -v "C:\path\to\"
"C:\path\to\bspc.exe" -bsp2aas "C:\path\to\mapname.bsp"
Test compile script (Linux):
/path/to/q3map2 -leaktest -v -verboseentities /path/to/
/path/to/q3map2 -vis -saveprt -v /path/to/
/path/to/q3map2 -light -v /path/to/
/path/to/bspc -bsp2aas /path/to/mapname.bsp
Final compile script (Windows):
"C:\path\to\q3map2.exe" -flares -meta -patchmeta -skyfix -v -verboseentities "C:\path\to\"
"C:\path\to\q3map2.exe" -vis -v "C:\path\to\"
"C:\path\to\q3map2.exe" -light -dark -dirty -fast -patchshadows -v -samples 3 -bounce 8 -gamma 2 -compensate 4 "C:\path\to\"
"C:\path\to\bspc.exe" -bsp2aas -forcesidesvisible -optimize -grapplereach "C:\path\to\mapname.bsp"
Final compile script (Linux):
/path/to/q3map2 -flares -meta -patchmeta -skyfix -v -verboseentities /path/to/
/path/to/q3map2 -vis -v /path/to/
/path/to/q3map2 -light -dark -dirty -fast -patchshadows -v -samples 3 -bounce 8 -gamma 2 -compensate 4 /path/to/
/path/to/bspc -bsp2aas -forcesidesvisible -optimize -grapplereach /path/to/mapname.bsp
Packaging the map[]
After compiling your map, you need to package it in a way that OA recognizes it as a game package. Game packages have the extension .pk3, and are just renamed zip files.[12] You can pack them the manual way or let a program pack your map for you.
This is something you should have considered since the beginning, however don't forget the general rule that your assets (bsp, textures, sounds...) should NOT have the same exact "path+name" of stock OpenArena assets. For shaders, this is true for both shader file name and for every single shader contained.
After you finish packaging, it's a good practice to also test your pk3 on a different, "clean" OA installation,[13] to check you included all the required stuff. Everything has to work with /sv_pure 1.
Tip: Simply use the classic "deflate" zip compression method, as LZMA compression is not supported by the engine.
An error such as CM_LoadMap: maps/mapname.bsp has wrong version number (0 SHOULD BE 46) may be caused by a LZMA compressed pk3 file.
The manual way[]
This is how the package must be built:
- The following files should always be included:
- maps/mymap.bsp
- maps/mymap.aas
- The levelshot also shows a preview of the level:
- levelshot/mymap.tga or levelshot/mymap.jpg (the first is recommended, created by using apposite "levelshot" command in-game which takes a 128x128 px levelshot from the "info_player_intermission" entity point of view, without HUD - in case you opt for not using that command, try to do not make the image too big, to keep preview loading quick)
- The .arena file allows your map to appear in the Skirmish and Create Server menus, and allows it to be votable via GUI.
- scripts/mymap.arena
- Additional resources used for the construction of your maps go in these folders, or better in sub-folders of them. Remember to respect the paths or else your map will contain missing assets:
- env/* (for farboxes)
- models/* (for mapmodels)
- music/* (for background music)
- scripts/* (for shaders)
- sound/* (for sounds)
- textures/* (for textures)
- Warning: that "*" does not mean to place "ALL files from that folder" in the pk3, but instead "all your files there which are used by the map" (pay attention to do not inflate the package with useless files from older maps)[14]. To avoid any risk of overriding someone else's one, it is advisable to do not directly include your own scripts/shaderlist.txt file in the pk3[15].
- For GPL compliance (seen in detail in the Appendix F) you must also include:
- COPYING file (found on the OA folder)
- maps/ (the .map file for your map)
- For cleanness sake, a separate folder with the sources of the assets you have created, for example:
- .xcf for GIMP-made textures.
- .blend for Blender-made models.
- A plain text "readme.txt" file with infos you wish about the map, its author, license name, supported gametypes, known bugs, compiling options used, etc. See also Readme Model. If you distribute the .pk3 inside a .zip file, it is a good practice to place a copy of it inside both of them.
To keep the .pk3 filesize smaller, you may opt to distribute it inside a .zip file, and place assets "source" files (e.g. those of textures or sounds) in the zip file instead. In that case, don't forget to include in the .pk3 the infos required to download the complete zip package (example: "Texture sources are available in file which you can download from OpenArena section of" inside readme.txt), and a copy of COPYING file in both.
In game commands listing used assets (might help you to determine which files you have to include in your pk3 files; keep in mind that results include also things not related to the map, and in general things which are already in stock OA pk3 files). Their output might exceed the console history lenght, so you may need to enable console log to be able to fully read their listings.
- /modellist - Lists all the 3D models the game has currently loaded, or has tried to load, to be shown in the current map.
- /shaderlist - Lists all the shaders the game has currently loaded, or has tried to load, to be shown in the current map.
- /imagelist - Lists all the textures the game has currently loaded, or has tried to load, to be shown in the current map.
- /s_list - Lists all the sounds the game has currently loaded, or has tried to load, to be used in the current map. Sounds with 0 size are probably missing files. It requires you to disable OpenAL enviroment (/s_useopenal 0, then /snd_restart) before you run it (you can activate OpenAL again later).
Packaging programs[]
There are dedicated packages which package your maps and the used assets for you. These are some of them:
- PK3 Creator (internet archive) - Unfornutately, those download links aren't working.
- Pakscape - Download version 2
Patching a map package[]
In case you already published your map to the world and later you need to make some fixes to the package (e.g. missing assets such as textures or sounds, errors in .shader or .arena files...), you may either create a "patch" package or a complete "re-release". Each option has some aspects to consider.
You may either:
- Create an additional pk3 package with the fixes (e.g. fixed .arena file), and name it in a way it comes alphabetically later than the original package (example: if the original pack is mymap.pk3, the fix may be something like mymapfix.pk3, mymaphotfix.pk3, z_mymap.pk3 or z-mymap.pk3[16]). This kind of fix is the most "respectful" to the original author when fixing someone else's map package. The downside is that the fix, not containing a .bsp file, will probably not be autodownloaded by clients unless it's placed under a mod folder instead of baseoa on the server, hence requiring players to manually get the fix from the web.
- Like the above (a patch pk3 with a name coming alphabetically later), but with a noticeable change: you may "force" clients to autodownload the patch pk3 by adding a copy of the .bsp file in it (and maybe also a copy of the .aas, just to be sure) other than the proper "fixed" stuff; as you can guess, this kind of patch file would be noticeably "bigger" than the previous case. This may allow you to even make fixes to the map (bsp) itself (in that case, remember the .aas too!). The downside of this approach is that clients would autodownload the patch only, and not the main (original) file, hence may miss some assets unless they will manually get the main file (or both or them are in a mod folder on the server). This may still be viable in case of patching a map which was contained in a map pack (multiple maps bundled together in a single pk3): clients would autodownload the patch file when the server will be playing that map, and the main package (with the other original assets used in that map) when the server will be playing any other map from the original mappack; of course, that map may lack some assets until the client doesn't get the full mappack.
- Build a complete "re-release" of the map package, including not only the fix, but everything. Not just a "patch" anymore: at the cost of bigger file size, you get a standalone package, clients would not need the original one anymore. Still give the pk3 a name coming alphabetically later than the original one (e.g. mymap_v2.pk3, mymapv2.pk3). Do not give the pk3 the same exact name of the original release, as it would cause confusion.
- In some cases, you may even give a new name to the .bsp file itself (updating the other files accordingly: aas, levelshot, readme...), to have the new version of the map live as a map on their own, co-existing with the original one. This is usually the case where the original map didn't have bugs to be fixed, and instead it was just you who liked to do some changes to the map after having some ideas about how to improve it. E.g. mymap2.bsp, mymapplus.bsp, mymapremix.bsp, with the pk3 named accordingly.
- Include a readme file explaining about your fixes and mentioning prerequisite pk3 files in case of it's a patch.
- Check carefully that the pk3 loading order is correct, so your "patch" overrides the original one. You can use /path command in-game to check the actual pk3 loading order (upper in the list "wins").
- Do not give patches or re-releases pk3 files the same exact name of the original package.
- The name of a pk3 file does not need to match the name of the .bsp it contains, so "patches" can have a different pk3 name while using the original .bsp name.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 SmallPileOfGibs's Q3map explanation
- ↑ BSP Stage at Q3Map2 manual in Wikibooks
- ↑ BSP stage at Q3Map2 Manual in Shaderlab
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Q3Map Compiling manual
- ↑ Flat is a sort of hack that was added to test pre-existing maps with celshading. For new maps that you intend to be cel-shaded, you would probably want to use simple, flat colored textures.
- ↑ VIS Stage at Q3Map2 manual in Wikibooks
- ↑ VIS stage at Q3Map2 Manual in Shaderlab
- ↑ Light Stage at Q3Map2 manual in Wikibooks
- ↑ Q3Map2 Manual at Shaderlab
- ↑ "Basically, traces are made outward from each dirtmapping sample to determine how much it is "exposed" to light sources. The less exposure, the darker a sample becomes. Samples that are tucked in nicks and crannies will get pretty damn dark. Samples out in the open stay bright (as bright as the un-dirtied lightmap would be for said sample). When you multiply this ambient occlusion pass into the rest of the tex+lightmap combo, whatever it is you are lighting/dirtmapping ends up looking dirty/grimy. Hence the name." - rgoer at SplashDamage forums
- ↑ GTKR Manual, Appendix C
- ↑ You may need to set your OS to do NOT "hide extensions for known file types". You may also wish to use "maximum" compression instead of standard compression in your zip software, to make the resulting zip/pk3 a little bit smaller.
- ↑ If you have a second PC, you may use it. Otherwise, extract OpenArena installation zip to another location of your PC (to have a clean basepath) and launch the game from a different user or manually specifying a non-standard homepath from OS command line (to have a clean homepath). See FAQ#Can I change the directory to where configuration and autodownloaded files are saved?
- ↑ Also, as you can guess, you should not include files which are already contained in stock OA PK3 files.
- ↑ You may just list required shader files in your "readme" file or, if you wish to include it, rename it or place it in a different folder. Or you may just let other mappers guess that, since you included some .shader files in the package, they have to add them to their own shaderlist, if they wish to recompile your map.
- ↑ This way, the patch may even be accepted by LvL website even for someone's else map
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