
A.k.a. Defrag, DF
Current version 1.47
Status Active

Mod description[]

DeFRaG is a particular and popular mod designed for Quake III Arena. It goes away from the standard gameplay because your goal is not to frag (kill) other players, but to complete hard courses by using advanced techniques that require great control skills. Strafe jumps, rocket jumps... and much more. It relies on purposedly-designed maps. It features additions to the HUD, to help users learn the techinques (you can find videos on Youtube that will help you). It features both "Vanilla" (standard) Q3 physics and "CPM" (ProMode) physics -that allows more tricks; see also Game physics#Vanilla and CPM physics-.

It's hard and not very suitable for casual gamers, but can be addictive for skilled players.


Just copy it in your openarena directory.

Compatibility chart[]

Works Mod Version OA Version Notes Operating System
Yes 1.92 0.7.1 Missing Lightning gun texture because the Lightning gun is not used at all in DeFRag, thus not needed.
Yes 1.92.01 0.8.5 \df_demos_UICompatibility "1" to see the demo files in the "demos" menu



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See also[]

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