OA486 (also called "OAPro") is a fork of OpenArena designed for the competitive player community and even lower end systems.
It is in the planning stages. Plans include:
- Textures no more than 16x16 or 32x32 and that's only for the effects
- Map textures don't exist, they're .shader files with defined colors
- Low-fi sounds, OGG compressed, 22KHz
- Vertex-light friendly
- Extremely low poly, untextured models
- Additive, alpha, multiply and subtractive blend functions are avoided - alphatest effects only (increases compatibility with more older hardware that wasn't designed for the engine)
- Auto-download defaults on
- One player model, though many head models. No females planned yet
- Target machine: Lower-end Pentiums, and high-end 486s, with Voodoo hardware.
- Target size: 10mb or less
- Protocol 68 used
No release date set.